Posted by HEALTHY SMILES OF BIRMINGHAM on Dec 23 2021, 05:55 AM
From gum issues to a brushing style that needs improvement, there are several reasons causing your gums to hurt while brushing. Besides pain, you might also experience sensitivity, swelling, or bleeding gums.
The causes for these symptoms could be:
Painful and tender gums are usually a sign of gum inflammation (gingivitis) or gum disease (periodontal disease). Gum diseases start with the buildup of plaque, a sticky bacterial film, around your gum line. When this plaque is allowed to stay on the gums, it releases acids that attack your enamel and leads to decay. Gradually, it hardens into tartar that causes gum inflammation and irritation. It is important to meet your dental office regularly for cleaning appointments to prevent gum diseases from advancing.
Though brushing and flossing are both critical for your oral health, they need to be done correctly to gain their benefits. When you brush or floss too frequently or vigorously, you may end up damaging your gums, especially when they are already inflamed. This also happens when you use a toothbrush with hard bristles. At Healthy Smiles of Birmingham, we regularly educate our patients on the best oral hygiene routine and give tips on proper oral cleaning techniques.
Minor injuries, acidic fruits and vegetables, and spicy food trigger canker sores in the lining of the mouth. These round sores are gray or white in color with a red border and cause pain or a burning sensation every time you brush. Canker sores need attention in case they are unusually large or take more than three weeks to heal.
When the plaque stuck on your teeth enters its pulp through a cavity, it causes pain and leads to pus formation. When this happens near the gum line, it hurts while brushing. So, when you do not brush your teeth properly, twice a day, it may lead to tooth abscess. Brushing once the abscess has settled in makes it even more uncomfortable. This condition is considered a dental emergency and needs to be attended to immediately at your dental office.
Sometimes ill-fitting dentures, mouth guards, or braces tug, pull or rub against your gums. This causes your gums to become sore, scratched, and painful over time. It is essential to get these fitted at the earliest to avoid painful brushing.
To make brushing painless, schedule an appointment with Healthy Smiles of Birmingham on (205) 991-9535. You can also visit the office at 100 Heatherbrooke Park Dr Suite A, Birmingham, AL 35242.
How to Prevent Gum Disease: Tips for a Healthy Smile
100 Heatherbrooke Park Dr Suite A, Birmingham, AL 35242
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